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The Spirituality And Science

Spirituality and science go in hand in hand with each other. They are deeply integrated into one another. Spirituality has always led people to question the scientific facts behind every similar notion. While science may remain within the human grasp, spirituality, on the other hand, is far more advanced to the unknown and out of science’s capacity to answer. It will always remain prevalent whenever two are used in the comparison. Spirituality is a broad concept with room for many perspectives.  It generally involves a sense of connectedness to something larger than ourselves and generally involves a search for meaning in life.

Living a spiritually enriching life doesn’t mean you need to accumulate lots of wealth and fame; it doesn’t mean you have to live a grandiose life. People who are rich in spirituality lead a life that’s free of ostentation. You may not be as rich as your brothers or sisters, but at least you will gain foreverness, eternity, and permanent wisdom.


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