The Sacred Merged Spirit Cynosure ZN

Awaken Your Inner Light

Actively Merge With Your Sacred Inner Energy Flow Body

The Spiritual Cosmic Parent Consciousness: The 3rd Eye 

ZN Cosmic Spiritual Realization Pathway

Through Cultivation and Meditation

The Sacred Realized/Merged Spirit Cynosure, Cosmic Parent

By envisioning the third eye, I call to the Sacred Realized/Merged Spirit, which happens to be a cosmic parent. It’s the realization and merger of the spirit within the physical body actively, a person who has truly understood his own spiritual energy within his physical body. Once a person has achieved this, it allows the person to transform his worldly desire giving them a spiritual meaning in a physical body.

Religions with different names would consider that spiritual attainment as God state, a living god, an angel, a bodhisattva, an Arahant, or a Buddha. Cosmic spirituality is a sacred reality; therefore, there are many more sacred realities in cosmic spirituality than those in sacred designations.

The spiritual attainment of realization is sacred, and the person who realizes his spirit while living physically is considered a Sacred, Realized Spirit Cynosure.

A Sacred Spiritual Cynosure is aware of his consciousness between the two worlds, namely the spiritual world of the fourth dimension and the physical world of the third dimension. As a Cosmic Parent, a Realized/Merged Spirit Cynosure is not to be mistaken by other spiritual entities in the current religious system beliefs.

It’s a spiritual cynosure of the sacred attainment, that spiritually attained person becomes a Realized Spirit Cynosure, the parent of the cosmic spiritual reality regardless of the physical world orders of the physical body, genderism, physiologic, philosophy, and religious system designations. As so, a Sacred Realized Spirit Cynosure is naturally a Sacred Spiritual Cosmic Parent who can parent another spiritual child and spiritual children on their cosmic spiritual cultivation journeys to become and transform into their spiritual sacredness and enlightenment.

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