Empowering Souls, Illuminating Minds

Our mission is to empower individuals to awaken their inner light and embrace their true essence. Through education, guidance, and community support, we strive to illuminate the path to spiritual enlightenment and foster a world of compassion, peace, and harmony.


Spiritual Meditation Practice Courses

Spiritual Meditation Practice Courses

Meditation Courses

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The Sacred Merged Spirit Book

Whenever one tries to gain spiritual knowledge, …
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Meditation can bring you a sense of calm, peace, and balance that can benefit both your emotional well-being and your overall health. You can also use it to relax and manage stress by focusing your attention on something calming. Meditation can help you learn to stay centered and maintain inner peace. These benefits don't end when your meditation session ends. Meditation can help you get through the day more calmly. Meditation can help you control the symptoms of certain medical conditions.

At the beginning of meditation, a person will experience a lot of pain because their body is just getting used to it. When the pain settles, then the person can move on to the next step, which is to follow their breath and heartbeat. There are many ways to get the body to settle with the pain of meditation after a long sit. Anywhere you go, just fold your leg half lotus and endure the pain until it goes away. Typically, it is a lot better when you are young since the body is more flexible. It doesn’t matter, but a full lotus does look more beautiful. However, it’s more painful. The full-lotus is in a much more stable position than the half-lotus. The full lotus will take a lot longer to get used to. However, as a master, I prefer the half-lotus.

You will lose concentration when you move around during quiet meditation for beginners. The more advance can check their phone and still be meditating. When you can feel the heartbeat, then you will next move to feel the blood flowing throughout your body and going in and out of your heart. Then a person can next try to see their organ (lung, kidney).

Meditation Is the Active Way to Spiritual Realization

Meditation practicing can develop many supernatural abilities. First, you need to settle with the pain in meditation. If you don’t settle with the pains and bodily discomfort, you won’t experience further than just mind relaxation. Then you can develop the ability to listen to your heart actively and use it as a concentration point for the next step to follow both your breath and your heart together, you will hear the heartbeats, and you breathe clearly to a subtle level of emptiness, blank, cosmic space you are living in, but the beautiful sound of the heart beat like the beats of the entire cosmic body’s heart. You will live together with that truly sacred music of life. The entire cosmos will just be in you, you listen to those beats, and cosmic nature listens to your music within. Your heart beats alone. It’s beautiful that you will truly become the beauty of the cosmos.

The most basic meditation is quite a meditation where you can concentrate on your heartbeats, then you can even merge your mind to your blood flow and visit other parts of your body. You will be able to listen to your blood flowing through your body and going in and out of your heart like listening and watching a beautiful pure stream flowing in your heaven when your internal organs are just like flowers, trees, mountains, and civilization within that you can witness and enjoy its sacredness just within yourself, your kidney, liver, your lung.

You can see them as an integration of the Earth’s nature, the cosmic nature within the spiritual sacredness that is moving. That’s just only the basic level that you can experience. You must never allow yourself to waste time in the delusional world alone, not come back to this spiritual sacredness nature within this lifetime. It’s what you are made for as a human. The cosmic consciousness nature where the cosmic parent is waiting for your merging to a further journey, to realize yourself, your own spiritual energy body, your own sacred spiritual energy flow within. Especially when your body is still young and your body is still possessed much more potential to go through the body and training, the older you get, the more difficult your journey.

The Spiritual Energy Body Flow

In Cosmic Spirituality, everything is dependent on energy which is present inside the human body in the form of a “flow.” Since the flow lies within a person, they are the spiritual master of it. They possess a right to control whatever goes on with their life. On Earth, only humans can evolve and improve spiritually. When we exit this physical body and enter into our energy form, we remain in a static position or gradually evolve.

This electricity of the flow can be termed sacred energy. It’s present in every individual, continuously changing its shape and direction. It might become a whirlpool or transform into a tornado depending on the strength and power of the energy flow. The flow can move out of the head from the forehead and move in all kinds of directions from there.

Similarly, when the body generates heat, it feels like a burning sensation in the body, but it is always a case of a fever spiking. Sometimes, it’s these cosmic energies present in our bodies generating this kind of heat. The heat will eventually subside after some time of resting and practicing meditation.

Cosmic energy contemplation helps you transfigure your life by enabling you to make peace with your inner tone and stay in the present. It helps expand your knowledge to lead a fulfilling life. Also, this practice aids in healing the internal, spiritual, and physical tone, fending off negativity, perfecting blood inflow, reducing stress, treating cardiovascular conditions, and perfecting memory. So, meditate every day to spark the seven chakras and channel the cosmic energy into your body.

To pierce cosmic knowledge, you must understand your true tone. After that, motivate yourself to achieve intuitive guidance and gradationally make your mind still. Look for mindfulness and sync with your passions and your body. However, you will witness a sensation in your body if done rightly. Whatever the communication that you can infer from this sensation, trust it.

The capability to form, shape, and manipulate the macrocosm is called cosmic energy manipulation. It allows one to control everything present in the macrocosm on a cosmic level.

The 3rd Eye – The Sacred Spiritual Energy Body Enlightenment

The Sacred Realized Spirit Cynosure, Cosmic Parent ZN

Spiritual realization is the only way a person can attain spiritual 3rd eye enlightenment. It isn’t a physical eye like the other ordinary two eyes we have that can capture physical visions. The sacred spiritual 3rd eye not only enables the person able to access the spiritual wisdom and the spiritual, sacred world but also enlightens the person’s ability to see colors and flowing patterns of the sacred spiritual electricity current flow, the energy flow within it, which is the center point of the spiritual energy body and physical body. The merging flowing center is at the center forehead.

The flow starts from the center and spreads and enlarges out the whole head and rains down the body, which phenomenon is called body crystallization.

The 3rd eye merges with the ordinary eyes, enlightening oneself into light and enabling a supernatural ability to see inner light in the dark. It sometimes also comes from a bright place into a dark place. The ability to see the inner light of the soul, the energy flow within through in the blue color; or different colors from black, grey, red, orange, a supernatural ability to see the red and orange flow of atom current in the bright place, depending on the power of attainment. The latest color will be light blue to navy blue.

The 3rd eye is a reality of enlightenment, and it can be realized only after the time of successful spiritual cultivation together with a meditation practice to open an energy portal located at the belly navel and able to move the energy to the head, where it will be developed into a flow of energy as an electric current, and through time and effort of meditation practice, the energy flow current will be purifying from black, dark colors into brighter colors and attain final enlightenment, the enlightenment final stage can be seen from the within at the 3rd eye in navy blue color by physical eyes every time one gets from the outside door into darker places, it has a pattern like a lotus flower, cloud pedals flying together into a circle.

Locating at the center of the forehead of the physical body, the 3rd eye is one’s realization of spiritual energy body active flowing within, is the control center point, where its energy flow actively in the circle direction and generating the sacred electricity energy flow within the head. And it is also the border, the gate accessing between the spiritual world of the energy body and the physical body. It’s also the purifying process of energy generation and enlarging the whole energy flow within the head with the body supporting itself.

In the 3rd eye, its energy flows in a controllable manner at the center. The energy flow is flowing as a whirlwind, whirlpool shape at the center, and it spreads to the entire head as a generator. It’s also generating the sacred conscious electricity flow current level through a time of practice. By the time of practice, it will rain down on the entire body as an inner rain phenomenon. The longer the inner rain within from the head down to the body, the body will be able to experience the crystalizing phenomenon, and one will experience living the energy body as light and crystalizing the body. This electricity energy flow generates itself through meditation practice at the 3rd eye core; it circles a flowing pattern like a galaxy flowing within the cosmos. Its current can be different from time to time, from slow speed and light smoothing to heavy, hard, and strong that may remain in a normal state, creating pleasure and happiness within to headaches and tiredness. It’s also depending on health conditions which may affect the current of the energy flow….

Meditation of the 3rd eye flow, it’s the way to regenerate energy current and enlarge the flow-through time of practicing. The current of the flow can have different shapes of whirlwind patterns that generate a halo energy flow that is similar to a crown the person is truly wearing of his power. In the middle of the head is another energy portal in the shape of another whirlwind or a black hole that is linking and exchanging with external cosmic energy from above.

When we Merge with the Spiritual Energy Body Flow, we can see the Beauty in Everything.

Once you are in sync with your body flow, you are able to see the beauty in people as well as in the world around you. When you begin to attract positivity in your life, you will be able to match with the energies around you. For instance, when you take a walk with nature, you can witness how flowers bloom and what part the sunlight, water, and wind play in it. Everything in this universe plays a part in helping the other bloom. It’s like they are assigned their own role in the spiritual cosmic nature.

Once you start seeing humans being as one and equal, there will be no racism, no hatred, and no inequality. Everyone would be treated with respect and integrity. Everyone's differences would be seen as one, and they won’t be judged by it. At times, you might even begin to wonder why you didn’t think about this before. You will live a life with a new mindset, a paradigm that’s broad and advanced in tremendous ways.

But you will still have different preferences regarding your relationships. I mean, we are still humans with different needs and wants. There will be times our emotions may get mixed up, just like a bartender whipping up a margarita or an exotic cocktail. Raising up levels of our spirituality will allow us to understand our emotions better and find solutions to our problems which would later resolve our conflicts, liberating our souls.

Getting controlled by our emotions is the worst thing that could happen to us. They are misguiding, confusing, and lead us nowhere. Once we get a hold of them, we become the pilot of our own lives. We can steer it in any direction that fulfills our needs. Then we can see the beauty and nature of emotion, which the cosmic nature passes down to us as an intelligent species to not only survive but also to explore, develop our supernatural abilities and evolve into more sacred living beings. It helps us to come back to our sacred spiritual cosmic nature and become a sacred realized spirit cynosure, a cosmic parent.

For instance, by living in a simple way, you will be able to keep your emotion and egoism in check, and this is why a cosmic spiritual cultivator may lead an enriching life. But that doesn’t mean you have to give up on everything you love. While you are on this journey, it would be kind of a burden to put a hold on your luxury. Though, you should never let go of your passion with the spiritual purpose of advancing experience in life. You need profound experiences in your life to keep yourself thriving and full of energy. Without these experiences, you will hardly advance and enrich your life spiritually.

While driving your life forward with a spiritual purpose, you will still experience sorrows and get frowned on for many things, but there is always a silver lining. Don’t let even these negative experiences stop you from living your life to the fullest. Then, in the end. You will experience emptiness and impermanence after all. And from that, you will stop, or they will stop you, but if you don’t go through those experiences, you wouldn’t be able to learn and experience true life, or else you would just keep repeating and repeating desires, dreaming, and craving.  In order to move ahead, you need passion in your heart and dreams to keep yourself satisfied fully.

This is why I said that life could be amazing but perilous at the same time, you know, if you keep giving in to temptation. You must learn how to move from a terrible experience to detach when necessary. It’s pertinent for you to adopt or uphold some religious standards. I have found it to be very beneficial in a spiritual journey to develop compassion and wisdom through standard religious practices. If you lack these moral values, then I suggest you adopt some of them without leaving your current religious practice.

In every religion, there are some highly reputable Godly Figures which their follower practice. Always have immense respect for every religion, even if you don’t believe in their faith. As a Sacred Realized Spirit Cynosure, I want to inform you that besides Cosmic Parents, there are gods and other sacred entities in our spiritual cosmic nature, moreover rather than those entities, their genders that may not be necessarily identified as women or men. They are just sacred entities, do not conflict with yourself while walking on this path.

The Spiritual Emergence

Continuous practice of meditation and spiritual cultivation practice over the success of spiritual emergence, you will be able to realize your spirits which will help you live a fulfilled life. Once the electric energy starts to flow from your forehead, just like your bloodstream, you will begin to carry the flow within your body, and it will become a part of your life soon.

You would always be in control of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Don’t worry about losing restraint on the whirlpool of energy generated from the third eye contact point. It will always lie in an integral part of your forehead. You will be able to live a life according to your needs and wishes once you become a cosmic parent. There will be no limits to what you can and cannot achieve. The world will be your oasis, and only you can decide how you wish to live your life. Moreover, you can impart deep knowledge of spiritual cosmic to your children on their spiritual journeys to spiritual wisdom, love, and compassion.

In its final stage, the third spiritual eye will empower you to achieve the great good in life. You would understand yourself better and be in full control of your emotions regardless of the life you choose to reincarnate. You will be able to live an active spiritual life and observe life in its true spiritual cosmic nature from within. This way, you would be on your journey to spiritual evolution fast.


Practicing the "no-self" power in meditation

When I talk about the ego, the mind, or the self, I mean the inside, not only the physical mind but also the spiritual mind inside. People think and enjoy the physical mind on all kinds of levels, as you can see. Our society develops and evolves, and then we create all kinds of comfort, entertainment and pleasure. And by all time, the physical mind has been telling and talking every minute, but at that time, you listen, join, and do it with all the urges of greed, passion, jealousy, anger, fear, and all other kinds of emotions of the ego self-ordering.

You must be strong enough to see your inner true self; nothing can destroy you from the inside unless you act in the order of the ignorant selves, as I said before, if you strongly practice non-killing, since non-killing practice means nothing that you may kill or harm and absolutely no body that you may kill or harm. Therefore, it’s wrong to kill or harm, remember, because killing or harming others is not right, especially killing or harming a spiritual entity, an entity of an intelligent species, or yourself. As a cultivator, you probably must take this matter to your deep core.

A no-self practice is the mind practice of contemplating the death of oneself, contemplating the watching and witnessing of one self’s death, funeral, and cremation in meditation, and contemplating giving up the physical self and physical body to achieve the non-ego self when you are not even having your physical body. We call it "no-self". How to practice the "no-self" To practice the no-self, it requires you to master the quiet meditation technique, sitting there meditating and contemplating yourself already dead—the death of your own physical body.

It doesn’t mean that you are going to kill yourself, as because I have taught you about non-killing, there is no such thing as killing. Even if we are not about to harm anyone, how can you kill someone or yourself? Killing yourself is the worst thing to do; it must never happen, and you will never do it. But here is the contemplation: contemplating giving up yourself, contemplating yourself that you are already destroyed, contemplating yourself by seeing your own death.

See your own funeral; see your body lying dead, your body lying dead in a coffin; your body is no longer breathing; your body is no longer seeing things; just laying down death; no feeling completely; just a dead body without consciousness or anything at all; just a dead body of yourself. You are watching it from your own soul, as a soul watching your physical death body laying down death in a coffin, and coming to a cremation, in a crematory, and still the death body laying death in the coffin starting to get burn by fire, think about fire, strong fire, extremely strong fire, extremely hot, the coffin is burning hard in the crematory, the fire so strong, so hot and burning down everything, burning down the coffin, burning down the your death body inside, everything burning down, the skin, the hair, the meat, the fat, the heart, the internal organs and burn to the bone, the bone cracking in the heat, everything burned to ash, nothing more to burn, nothing remain but just ash, your body remain is ash, and that’s it.

Everything is done—all body karma, no friends, nothing—nothing remains to the physical body. See that empty space? That’s all emptiness. Do you see the beauty in it? Nothing remains; everything has burned already; there is no suffering, no sorrow, no physical pains, no fear; and all now is just freedom, liberation, and enlightenment.

The remainder now is no physical body but the energy body, a spiritual body, very shining, like the sun or the moon, very bright. You are out there in the cosmos, so large, that the only thing that remains is the spirit of yourself. You see, that's impermanent. You must learn now to contain yourself, the ego self, and live powerfully as a no-self, going back to the beginning.

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