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Whenever one tries to gain spiritual knowledge, it’s always beneficial to probe questions because that will help you expand your current knowledge. Though it’s better to absorb all this knowledge gradually because, at times, it may become difficult for you to digest. Therefore, it’s always beneficial for you to practice each specific subject by considering it at this point in your spiritual cultivation level.

If you think about it, spirituality and science go in hand in hand with each other. They are deeply integrated into one another. Spirituality has always led people to question the scientific facts behind every similar notion. While science may remain within the human grasp, spirituality, on the other hand, is far more advanced to the unknown and out of science’s capacity to answer. It will always remain prevalent whenever two are used in the comparison. Spirituality is a broad concept with room for many perspectives.

It generally involves a sense of connectedness to something larger than ourselves and generally involves a search for meaning in life.

As such, it is a universal human experience, something that touches us all. People may describe a spiritual experience as sacred or transcendent or simply as a deep sense of vitality and connection. Some may find their spiritual connection to a church, temple, or mosques or synagogue. Others may pray or find comfort in a personal relationship with God or a higher power. Still, others seek meaning through their connections to nature or art. Like your sense of purpose, your definition of spirituality may change throughout your life and adapt to your own experiences and relationships.

Education is a starting point for people because education provides adequate information based on a compiled record of experiences. You must always keep in mind that worldly knowledge is different from spiritual knowledge. Though many people with higher education will simply hold onto the knowledge, and then they will continue to advance with the material knowledge and die with it.

They will then be stuck in a dilemma of physical world desires and a spiritual world of judgment where they will suffer spiritually by death. Merely focusing on expanding your knowledge by growing your mind isn’t enough to build yourself spiritually. For instance, one can easily become a doctor, but as long as they don’t practice compassion or kindness with their patients, there will be no spiritual growth. For people who only care about the world, it’s normal for them to give up on things that might not be good for them. However, in spiritual wisdom, being able to give up things only to gain peace matters.

Living a spiritually enriching life doesn’t mean you need to accumulate lots of wealth and fame; it doesn’t mean you have to live a grandiose life. People who are rich in spirituality lead a life that’s free of ostentation. You may not be as rich as your brothers or sisters, but at least you will gain foreverness, eternity, and permanent wisdom.

People who chase merely the world fall victim to permanence, whereas those who seek spirituality gain everlasting peace. The materialistic part of this world will remain here forever, but your virtue and good deeds are going to benefit you in the hereafter.

Now, let me enlighten you a little on what cosmic energy truly means. Have you ever felt stuck in life, both mentally and spiritually? Did you ever try to seek answers to various questions about your life from divine power? Have you ever felt a great form of energy trying to convey something to you? Well, if you believe in signs being sent out by the universe, then let me tell you, it’s cosmic energy.

Here, you must be wondering what cosmic energy is, so let me explain it to you in great detail. Cosmic energy is the highest form of energy. It’s the energy present in our consciousness. It’s present beyond galaxies, among the stars, and on our planets. Everything is filled with cosmic energy atoms, macrocosms, and microcosms. All human beings are in a constant state of availing of this energy. Most people lack awareness about this subject, and this is why I aim to teach my readers all there is about cosmic energy. Not only but do I wish to teach the world about cosmic energy, I also want to shed some light on its different concepts so that readers are also better able to grasp the complexities of it.

Our mind is more powerful than we think it is. By attracting more cosmic energy into our lives through our minds, we can drive more positivity. Cosmic energy is the life force that is existent far and wide. It is present in the macrocosm, between the worlds, the motes, and in space. It's essential to maintain order in life and expand our knowledge. Cosmic energy is entered by being at peace with one’s tone and living in the present moment. Happiness is the introductory specific of cosmic energy. It's a state of mind that combines peace, love, and joy.


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