Posted on April 15, 2024

The Automatic Biorobot and its Selfless Nature

As discussed earlier, human beings have twelve to fourteen percent control by themselves, and the rest eighty-six percent is given to nature. However, in the case of an auto bio-robotic system, its building is based on a perfect integration working mechanism of understanding and harmony according to the cosmic spiritual sacredness. Let’s talk about the vaccine. Even though we create a lot of vaccines, every vaccine we inject into our body, we are activating our body’s immune system.

We codify the virus in the vaccines, and once injected, the immunity system recognizes the potential virus to pose a threat to the body. The immunity system creates antibodies to attack and kill the virus. The immune system learns about the nature of the virus after defeating it. This information is later used to protect the body from a similar virus. This is a long process, but somehow our body adapts to it.

Let’s talk about self-love and compassion. There are many out there who have died because of a virus getting inside their body and destroying their healthy body cells. For instance, when a person comes out to be Covid positive, the virus attacks the respiratory system by causing cells to multiply. When this happens, the immune system detects the virus and sends a signal to the system to self-destruct to protect the other healthy cells. In such cases, the infected people keep dying because of the disruption caused by body functions.

Now just imagine how much love and compassion our body has for each other. The cells aren’t selfish. If they are damaging to the body, they ought to self-destruct. It can always develop through mutation by multiplying itself as much as it can. Sometimes, our bodies can do self-harm in the form of cancer at the first stage of infection. As we all know, there is no cure for cancer to this day.

Have you ever wondered how our cell knows when to self-destruct? How can excessive mutation of it affect other healthy cells? It’s a defensive system of sacrifice with great compassion in its cosmic mechanism of evolution. Pure compassion is already inside of us. We are a part of cosmic love and compassion. Everything in us is a part of our cosmic nature. All those capabilities have been given to us to survive. This is why we should not use our bodies or mind to harm others. We have to use our potential to develop benevolence and spiritual wisdom to live in harmony with others.

From the point of civilization, of course, without any defensive mechanism, we wouldn’t have a country today. Why have we divided ourselves into separate countries? Why do we have to live separately from each other? Have you ever pondered upon that?

Since we all have distinctive philosophies, ideologies, religions, and cultural values, we have to live in separate countries. Each country’s military acts as a defensive mechanism to ensure law enforcement, protect from enemies and fight against opposing power. These defense mechanisms have been built out of fear of greed from other parties so that we are able to survive and evolve in the future.

Energy Body and Impermanent Experience

It's different when you live in a simply energy body, which you don’t have the limit, but you can’t also do what you crave and desire for, because you don’t have a physical body to react by chemical reaction, you can’t eat, drink, you can’t carry out physical action, you only have the energy body with full of coding programs, then you are not stuck into those physical conditions, and you can just stay in those non-physical state for a long  time until the time you able to judge all your past actions when you were still living in a physical body. Because when existing in the form of energy body you can’t experience the thing of the physical body, so you have to cultivate now to improve your spiritual energy body, by time you attain spiritual experience, spiritual impermanence, you experience the higher state of realization.

When you understand and experience spirituality, the spiritual experience, that information becomes your own wisdom, you can encode that wisdom into your spiritual energy body. And you can judge yourself in the attained wisdoms you encode. And that is what we call God, the sacred world around us.

Since our spiritual energy body has been already cultivating for a long time, for thousands of years previously along with physical body evolution, so you have to make use of your physical body right now to learn, to cultivate, to experience the sacred cosmic spirituality, and your physical body has that ability to attain spiritual realization through training.

For example, the belief now, you belief there is a spiritual body within you, then why don’t you use this body to experience and understand its inner self and to merge with that spiritual energy body flow, and only then you will be able to see and answer the difference of the impermanent self and the real self-one of your own permanent, then you won’t stuck to the temporary experience of the physical impermanent, or anything you work or do, and you can do your best in everything with joyful and appreciation because, that is your real purpose no matter what the result is but the thing to do is from your heart and your beautiful mind, and with the best effort that you do. Do it with understanding, kindness and compassion to the best of your ability, of course you must have the rule of kindness and compassion, because by then you can see the truth in their nature, the truth of your physical selves, theirs are permanent. Because of the impermanence then you will have to treat people with understand, reasonableness, love, compassion so as well as yourself by attaining your wisdom.

Now you see and know thing is the impermanent, then you live that way, you know your path, you know external thing is temporary and a repeat circle over and over, you learn those repeating in the way of its ignorant nature and thus you know the impermanent working mechanism, and you are a part of it then you will not be stuck in it, by realizing yourself spiritually, you are not suffered further ignorantly, you become a spiritual cosmic watcher.

Our physical mind only truly learns through experience. Though we learn through lecture and lecture, we may learn some, but we don’t experience it until we do it

In spirituality, progressiveness must also go through experience to work its cause, but we must understand what we desire and the spiritual purpose behind it. We may attach to something to some degree, and then it vanishes, and we come to the conclusion that our life is over. We learn that this is the real impermanent nature of our attachment. The whole thing in spirituality is learning about impermanence. That’s the path to God. Apart from that, spiritual enlightenment and our spiritual self-actualization are forever, the true self's eternity that will go on, in contrast to impermanence, which is finally the end of our physical life.

Everything in life is a lesson, but we must always have the desire to learn. If we don’t have the desire to learn, we won't learn. And if we don’t attach to something, then we will never lose or gain anything, but how we know and experience what impermanence is and what its cessation is A person who never knows anything won’t desire anything. A person who grows up in the forest won't desire much as much as a city person, and he won’t know much either.

In spirituality, emptiness doesn’t mean that you don’t know things. You must know things better. It’s not only knowing things because I or your spiritual masters tell you what to know or because you go to school to learn, though such knowledge is essential but not enough. Education is important, but it’s not enough. We just use it as a vessel to learn more, to bridge the physical world and spirituality; that’s spiritual desire. We must let information flow through this channel and create means for it to reach us quickly.

In spiritual cultivation, sometimes when we desire something and then follow and let it happen, we may even attach to something to experience reality, and when the time comes, we know it breaks and dissolves, and we know "Ahh, that is the time to finish". However, we have to be very careful during those times; we have to go by the roads of understanding, love, and compassion. Be mindful of the desire for development, evolution, attainment, enlightenment, and wisdom in all walks of life, because spiritual wisdom means that throughout that road, we will not stop learning. However, we don’t chase things for anything or simply for pleasure and comfort. We don’t chase after things to satisfy our desire for attachment; But we purposely experience them for spiritual experimentation and wisdom.

As bio-physical intelligent beings, there are always some physical desires that need to be satisfied in us, but we are satisfied through the ways of understanding, love, and compassion. We are not burned in ignorance and sorrow as worldly people, or else if we seek only satisfaction from the pure desires of physical chemistry, it will burn us from the inside out and consume us alive. Worldly people are burned by the craving fire. Without understanding and spiritual purpose in compassion and love, without spiritual purpose in actions, the desire for things to be satisfied in life will never end and cause delusion and sorrow.


Karma is not a system of moral justice. Karma is the Sanskrit word for action, and action determines our lives. The word karma has its roots in Hinduism, but its understanding comes from Buddhism (a branch of Hindu theology).

In Hinduism, it is generally believed that the soul, Purusha, survives death and is reborn in a new body, inheriting the karma of a past life. Buddhism is different. Buddha taught a doctrine called anatman: the idea that there is no soul, no self. Instead, Buddhism focuses on the five skandhas, or aggregates, that explain the shared experiences of sentient beings: form, sensation, perception, thought, and consciousness.

These things are not the real "I": They form the way a personality is formed through interaction with the material world. The “I” is impermanent, meaning karma is impermanent. Karma is the process of evolution. Sometimes, God creates a bad situation in your life, so you are ablaze with your mistake and learn from it. But only you can decide your karma.

If you are humble and kind to others, then only good will come back your way. When you face your karma with ignorance, you will suffer a lot more than if you face karma with wisdom.

Impermanence of Karma

Karma is impermanent, though it’s repeating and repeating, nothing is forever, just like everything without the impermanence, thing will be the same. That would be boring. Things must always be evolving and changing. But every time things change, you will learn more, you will learn from the past, and you will be better and better. So, everything in the past, you have to be kind to yourself, and you see it through as a lesson. If you make any mistake, you just have to pay for it. It is just like you are paying for going to a meal or if you pay for an accident and if you make a mistake you have to pay for it. That is nature.

Spiritual Cultivation Is the Accumulation of Everything – Wisdom

Spiritual mindfulness and wisdom accumulation are must subjects to practice, and within such practice is an accumulation of wealth. It is a good way to help cultivators experience another side of life on the spiritual path. Since the experience of the physical world gives us a different level of understanding of the real world on our path to accumulation and enlarging spiritual wisdom, an enlarging of the enlightenment, nonetheless we must be ready to detach anything. Everything falls apart when the time arrives, or else with only the pure accumulation of wealth to satisfy the ego, the crave and the pure greed, will bring that person to destruction. That is the thought-provoking part of spirituality.

The Hard Fact of Being a Cultivator in the Physical World

The harsh reality is that a poor person won’t be able to learn as much as a rich person due to a lack of opportunities. However, that doesn’t mean you don’t seek learning opportunities. There is no need to remain stagnant in growth. You must take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way. Also, you need to be careful not to want to be materialistic and rich purely. This way, you will get nothing but sorrow and regret. Try gaining enriching experiences rather than chasing materialistic possessions.

True spiritually attuned people can be extremely rich in every way. If they are already one of the true richest spiritual people in the spiritual world, then they can be living in comfort or not. They can be in love or celibacy, which may not affect their lives much. As cosmic spiritual cultivators, we can in fact enjoy everything, which is the way that we are cultivating spiritual wisdom on our path. Even if suffering comes, we see it in different ways; we see it as a lesson to learn and transform it into our spiritual wisdom.

Cosmic spiritual cultivation doesn’t mean living in harsh conditions. It’s all about collecting experiences to end suffering. We should always attain balance. But we can also experience ourselves in happiness, pleasure, and comfort, so we can see and understand how they are. We can walk that path, but be ready to detach from it. Understanding that our bodies will perish one day, and remembering that every day, don’t forget that. Our health will go down and deteriorate every day, so we must make use of it to advance our spirituality as a priority, not just to advance materialism, emotion, and ego.

As I said, everything has its beauty and usefulness. Why not live better ways in kindness to ourselves and others? Why not cultivate in a better way not only suffering, even though if suffering comes, we accept it and learn from it? We walk through the paths either comfortably or ready to learn from them. That is a good way to cultivate, but we must watch out and be mindful of everything on the path. We take control; we learn how to control the thoroughgoing, which is the motivating body in desire. We desire something with a spiritual purpose—with the spiritual purpose to learn—to help us advance ourselves.

Detachment Is Final

If there is time, we get attached to something, and after realizing it’s not good for us, we finally decide to detach from it. However, detaching from something may be extremely tough, but, in the end, it’s worth it. Things that aren’t fruitful for us must be kept at a distance. That is the importance: we reign the mind in; we allow the mind to experience, but we reign it in, not only watching but controlling the mind too.

You can control your mind in every possible way. Throughout the daily practice of meditation and some methods I have taught you previously, take and practice the teaching in the mind and heart to the core. Just practice them all, master the practices, control the mind, and experience it fearlessly with continuous enlarging wisdom. It doesn't mean we put ourselves in danger; we know the limit, and we know what we should do and what we shouldn’t do. Not just crazily, foolishly; or spiritually people are not doing so. Therefore, desire is beautiful but must be under control and with a spiritual purpose.

Leave the Past Behind

We are trying to remove our ignorance every day; we must recognize our negative emotions wisely. We know that feeling is a normal thing for a sophisticated life form as human, but that doesn’t mean when we see people get angry or see their anger, we will hate them.

No, it’s not that way; otherwise, we become a part of them and destroy ourselves. But we see it, and we replace it with understanding, love, and compassion. We replace the anger, hatred, and negative emotions with our understanding and sympathy; that’s also a path to building and giving compassion to ourselves. Then we can see the danger of our own anger and its destruction, and with time, we can face our own physical mind when anger or negative emotion comes.

Negative emotion can also random come from our own physical mind; we see that and deal with it effectively the moment it comes because the emotion will last momentarily and subside later. So, if you are not dealing with it at the very first moment, you may not be aware of it already taking root in your mind, and it will stay there and keep growing until it is too difficult to remove.

Some brothers and sisters get angry with each other for life because they keep it up too long until it is too difficult to talk to one another. Even when parents and children don’t live together for a long time and their feelings for each other change, love and care are also similar; they change.

People who live far away from each other for a long time, and when they meet each other, love won’t be the same, level of emotion changes, everything is impermanent, and because it's impermanent, it doesn’t stay the same. If it’s staying the same, then it’s not impermanent. Nothing is permanent; everything changes, so we don’t attach ourselves to the past but aim for future betterment.

Thus, we must understand our own emotion when it rises and falls. As we know it’s not even physical; it’s fragile and impermanent. If we take this wisdom into our core, we can exit negative emotions easier because we know no matter how severe an emotion, even love, sadness, suffering, and sorrow, everything will end by itself. Even when we are very sad, like when a loved one, such as a mother, father, brother, sister, lover, or child passes away, we feel extremely sad. We may cry, but they will all pass, and we move on with our remaining lives.

Decades ago, I and one of my cousins, who is about the same age, grew up together from babyhood to adulthood. Then we were away because I moved to Thailand when I went to college. Years later, my uncle called me and told me he passed away at a young age and left his wife and a few-year-old daughter behind. At that moment, I suddenly cried a lot; my tears just came out nonstop. I didn’t know why I was crying so much.

I could still feel him living in my memory. I enjoyed the beauty of the reunion, but I knew it was temporary; it’s an attachment, but nothing lasts forever, so memories. You see, the nature of things is temporary, and then we have to realize the impermanence and the emptiness of it. That’s the beauty of life; you learn from it and let go of things as part of their own nature.

On other aspects of life, such as sexual desire, it is one of the emotions; it’s also a nature ability, and its role in cosmic nature is beautiful. Without sexuality, sentient beings and life wouldn’t be here, and we wouldn’t be here to talk about this. But we should not be emotional, attached, or let emotion control us.

Then we have to see through the moment when sexual desire rises and not let it become lust, which can bring us misery and even anxiety. Though sexuality is beautiful in itself, the feeling of sexual pleasure is addictive; it brings joy and people come together, no matter if they are women or men; therefore, sexuality is also different in nature from social definition, perception, norm, and bias.

Sexuality can sometimes bring peace to the people living together; generally, two enemies won’t have sex together; raping is a different case. People become enemies because they don’t like each other; they hate each other, and that’s why they won’t have sex or even kill one another. Sexuality in the insect world is completely different; some females will even eat the male after intercourse. However, we are in a different world, a spiritual world, and we are more advanced than animals.

So, if two human enemies are willing to have sex together, they won’t kill each other. They make peace with each other. You see, sexuality can heal anger or hatred.

However, once we are in our human physical body, we inherit cosmic nature's survival instinct; emotion will just come to us based on the conditions we encounter, and, on the other hand, we have the capability to experience all kinds of emotions. Even though we want to experience positive emotions and refrain from experiencing negative emotions, we all still experience them in specific circumstances we encounter.

Sometimes it happens for us to be angry; it isn’t because we want to be angry, but because something externally causes it. We can’t just be angry because we want to get angry, or you just want to be happy, and you can be happy; everything has its cause, and because it’s conditional, you must be wise and careful about the condition. Be mindful about the condition, and don’t let it get you easily. Even if it gets you, see it through and through, not to merge into it, and then you can remove it easier.

In your past, when you were little and childish and more ignorant, you did something wrong. You have been hiding it since, in deep meditation, you will be surprised when it comes back to you, and gives you emotional trouble, guilt, because it’s the karma activating, even though you may think it’s long ago, your secret past.

However, with spiritual wisdom from cultivation, you become more mature, you learn how to let things go, how to sympathize, love others which then it will also apply to you.

You will understand it’s impermanent, it’s ignorant, because that’s already past and you can see how it was stupid that time you did, it was a mistake, now you can recognize it, you know to forgive yourself, and you know you will not do it again, you know how to live in spiritual wisdom, and fill yourself with compassion. You liberate yourself from past guilt and enlighten yourself at that moment.

You may recall once at a time in the past, your brother, sister, friend... stole things from you, and you got angry and beat him up. Now that you've grown up and you look at that, you say, "Oh, my kiddy things, it’s funny, and you say, I’m sorry I beat you that time. Then things will be resolved. It’s simple but important to express yourself positively about the past event.

When I was little, my neighbor friend who was older than me was often harassing me, and then many decades later we were talking about it, and we were laughing. It was fine; it’s just past things; no hatred; you grow enough. Without those past kid things, how could we be kids? Without past experience, how could we grow?

A few years ago, when I was just a worldly person, I did commit many unwise things. That’s normal, but it’s important that we learn from our past, grow from it, and not do it again. We even find emptiness in all kinds of emotions we go through, but it’s important we see them through and through, and now all our actions come from our wisdom, and whatever we do, we commit with our full heart and mind.

We do things because we think it’s good; though we don’t know everything at the end of the action, we do them just because we know it’s right to do so.

Live Your Best Life In Every Moment

One of my favorite teachers in high school recently posted on her Facebook page. She was regretting something in her past; if she knew she wished she would have done better, no, you can never change. That’s why I said, everything you do, do at your best, and you won’t regret it in the future. Just do the best you can with all your heart and mind. Success or not, it is not important, lesion is.

Many times, before in my class, I told my students, "Don’t care about your grade; you may get an a, b, or c. The important thing is to do your best and let me take care of the grade for you; you just need to show me your effort.

In your test, you don’t have to be right all the time; you just need to show me your effort and what you understand, and I will give you an appropriate grade. There is no multiple choice in my exams. I think multiple-choice exams aren’t correct in reflecting students' knowledge, so all my exams I gave them all writing exams, and I was willing to read their minds and their understanding; that’s fair, and then most students got A grade in my subjects.

Even when we had a meeting with the committee, some questioned me: why was Arjan Zack, your student in your class, all getting A's? I just told them because they deserved it; I didn’t even know my students' names, so it was impartial or not unfair. Just because I was willing to read their papers, I spent more time on my student's grading.

In any moment we live, we live as best as we can, then we no longer worry; let it be whatever it is; it will be our lesson. If we fail, good; we learn a lesson. If we succeed, good; we can enjoy and continue to advance. Fail or success is just discrimination from our mind; a failure thing could be a winning thing for another time, so all kinds of emotions are normal by their nature, but don’t disgust yourself; whatever you feel, you just need to recognize what you are feeling; that’s a beauty you can see and enjoy, especially once you merge with your spiritual body.

You still have to practice seeing things as they are, positive or negative, and why they are the way they are. Find the cause of them, why they happen, and try to understand them, even if you are angry at some. What information you miss to understand them is what is missing in your understanding, your picture that you see, and what information you need to complete your full understanding of what made you hate them, and you will see the cause of it because you undrawn it. Many people do things for others without fully understanding; they miss out on information and then misjudge others. But in spirituality, when you do things for others, you just do your best, and that’s it. Whatever will be, will be.

In spirituality, there are many quality emotions to be cultivated, and sympathy is one of them. When we sympathize with others, we put ourselves at their feet so we can feel, understand, and share their feelings. Then we can develop compassion and unconditional love. That’s a spiritual quality emotion a cultivator needs to cultivate in a spiritual journey.


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