Posted on April 15, 2024

The Bio-Robotic Body

We are born in this world just to die one day. Our bodies are like vessels carrying life in them. A bateau that is responsible for keeping a life intact for years. A system that acts as a protective outer shield that keeps you away from harm. We use this vessel to enhance our spirituality. This vessel is sacred. It requires love, attention, and value. Our bodies have been considered a collective product of wisdom for billions of years. Our earth is 4.5 billion years old, and our culture is around 20,000 or 30,000 years old, but we have just reached a level of civilization. It means that this is the highest level of development. We happen to be a part of our earth spirituality, and it has just become a part of cosmic spirituality. 

Humans, An Intelligent Bio-Robot Specie

Once we start practicing meditation, it will help us dive deeper into ourselves. All our doubts and delusions will begin to sway away. We will be in complete control of our thinking and emotions.

How much science has learned about the human body and cures for sickness is still a mystery. Let’s look at the current Covid-19 situation, heart diseases, diabetes, and even cancer, those common sicknesses are taking millions of lives every year, and our science hasn’t been able to find a cure yet. Though we have medications that can lessen the effect of our illnesses, they fail to cure many chronic diseases.

By diving deep into cosmic meditation, our body follows an auto-biotic response that takes control of our body away from us. For instance, you may think you can hold and control your breath, but for how long is a question, one minute, three minutes, five minutes, or maybe ten minutes of practicing? If you stop breathing for five minutes, you will probably end up in a comma. But if someone tries to choke you, then you might lose the fight and die. However, if that’s not the case, then your body will try to regain consciousness again after receiving trauma. Another example could be when somebody drowns and CPR is performed on them. Their body works automatically to gain consciousness. This is how naturally our bodies are made. We are all auto bio-robots. 


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