Impermanent Nature: Reasons to Salvage Oneself Spiritually

Posted on April 15, 2024

We are the impermanent; the impermanent means its end; our life ends every minute, but it’s also made up by every minute. We are destruction; we are destructive; we are destroyed by the destruction of our own selves. But worldly people mistakenly take the self; the ego is the only thing made up of oneself; consequently, that’s why we see people, young people, never care about anything much. From a young age and later in life, if we allow the ego to go unchecked, we will be up and down with delusion and suffer without truly seeing the light of the impermanence; the impermanent nature destroys our bodies. Our physical bodies will one day disappear, caused by the deaths of our own and the destruction of our true nature.

Our physical mind is even more complicated than we think in the level of consciousness. Beyond the consciousness of our mind, the consciousness that we have always known as our identity, it goes beyond what we actually know. In the deeper part of the mind, it goes deeper into the subconsciousness. Once you fall into it, you may not be able to think consciously as in the level you can access your own cognitive ability, and you will just remain impartial to your own consciousness, and you will feel and know you are just a little baby listening to its mother.

That is when your subconscious mind starts talking, telling, and judging you, but you don’t even know about it. By then, you will feel weak, you will feel disadvantage, you will feel uncontrollable just like a little orphan, you will experience all kinds of shocks, your mind will lead, control, and dominate you, it even tells you the evil things that you will believe, obey, and do without resistance; it’s reflecting your past experience, your strait, and the life you used to live. Since the physical mind has been controlling you as a human for millions of years, it passes on from one life to another, for that is survival for the sake of evolution.

As a spiritual cultivator, while you are cultivating spiritual wisdom in living your life, and practicing meditation, going deep in your subconsciousness, seeking back some of the control of your mind to understand your true spirituality, your sacred permanent energy body that passes on from one life to another, you must prove yourself capable enough to do that. Only capable people will be able to take back the sacred control of their own energy body because you are dealing with the spiritual cosmic nature.

It’s a larger path, a higher level, that normally you won’t be able to experience while living physically. Subsequently, in spirituality, that makes the difference between an enlightened, an awakened person, a god, and a divine to ordinary people.

By now, you are coming to remove the ignorance to take back the control of your own spirit to just join the sacred world and to merge with your own sacred energy, sacred electricity flow, the flow that you have been told by other spiritual masters as a soul, an angel, a god, and other sacred entities.

Then now you would be able to join, experience, and live in it every second, every minute of your life. That is the true life; that life is different from what you know; it’s a permanent energy body that now is conjoining with the physical body of impermanence; that is the miracle; it’s a beautiful new life; and you will be able to live, understand that you have become the miracle of yourself; you now are the miracle, the sacredness, a true part of the spiritual cosmic nature, a spiritual cosmic parent. But then we must decide to let the self be destroyed—the destruction of the ego, not the destruction of the body, but the ego self that has controlled you all the time.

Remind yourself at times when somebody hits you and you feel anger or hatred. When somebody scolds you for being unreasonable, you feel mad at yourself; that is just very simple. If somebody does something wrong to your family, how do you feel?

But everything once it happens is due to karma. So that is the path to practice to see the true nature of everything that happens because of its cause. It’s karma, or destiny. That is why, as a spiritual cultivator, a spiritual cosmic cultivator must see sacred reality, because cosmic spirituality is a sacred reality.

You are a part of it, and to practice further, not only the selfless but now the path I call No-self, The no-self is when you can manifest not having a self, even that ego, not even that greed, not even that physical body.

The practice in the mind of emptying power to emptiness is when you only remain in the spiritual sacred energy body, nothing else, the thing that is not bound to the ego physically. non-bound to anything, no judgment, but the energy, the sacred, the purity of spirituality.

And how to practice it, because, as I said, you are about to come into a deep side of the sacred deep mind, of the physical mind, which has been controlling you, and of all living beings in physical form, which is why we are able to survive until today, and it will survive because of evolution in the collective.

But a cultivator is one who is evolving above the collective. And then you dare to go and face it, and you will experience just how destructive the nature of your mind is. When you go deep inside and take back control, the nature of your mind will try everything to prevent you from keeping going. Every reason that you have been thinking about using it as an excuse will give you all kinds of guilt and all kinds of bad feelings.


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