Spiritual Purpose Essence

Posted on April 15, 2024


Triangle Nature of Success

Right Thing - Right Time - Right Place

It’s quite hard to understand how there is too much sunlight on some parts of the earth while the north or south poles are freezing. There is no life that even exists in some other parts of Earth. Cosmic spiritual cultivation is a work that requires an understanding of reality and practical conduct that will bring results and attainment.

Commonly, the success pattern happens in everyday life, in every creation, in nature, and in every walk of life. For instance, when you start to form life even before becoming a little baby, it’s already the start of a success. When you were tiny cells conceived in your mother's womb with the purpose of life and happiness, everything had to satisfy those conditions for your mother to conceive you. When you are born, you will need time to grow and be cared for by your parents or caretakers, and those are the right conditions for you to grow until you can take care of yourself.

When you take a greater look at our own Earth, which is able to harbor life today because it has been through all the right conditions and life purposes of the cosmic spiritual nature, As I mentioned before, Earth is just in its all-right and perfect conditions, stable in the cosmic life zone that enables life to create itself through time until our very own civilization today. It’s the Earth’s cultivation and evolution in cosmic spiritual nature.

In life, when you grow up, in every walk of life, from growth, study, and work to spiritual cultivation, all actions are needed to fulfill those success conditions, one way or another, for them to happen in your life. Those are the basic drives and foundations for success. Reincarnation concept of endless life circle belief: in such circumstances, whatever comes, it will just come, and we just have to accept it. Even though this is true, life is not always like that. For the larger picture, we need to plan things in a frame of time in our lives to have a better vision of work and results.

As a matter of fact, timing is the answer to everything in our lives. Just a simple example of the importance of time: when we talk about loan interest, you would understand how serious the interest payment is if a loan is ever taken by you. You would be in trouble if you were not able to pay an interest due on time, or over time, your interest would be added to your principal, multiply from time to time, and become a bigger debt. Everything has its time. Time is always changing, but to succeed, we need to plan well ahead for the changes so we will be more appropriately prepared for everything that might come.

Time has become extremely important in our society. Time changes, and people change. Even lovers who love each other live for life; they promise each other to meet one life after another, but after sometimes living together, everything changes. They will no longer care about each other anymore; they will fight each other; they will curse each other; they will even beat each other; and finally, they may just separate; in some worse cases, they may even kill one another. Everything is impermanent, and so time is also impermanent.

However, time is an evolutionary force that brought us from a very simple life cell to an advanced and intelligent species as we are now. As time passes, our society is also advancing, as is spirituality. Today, Spiritual Religion is advancing to Cosmic Spirituality, the ability to understand reality and our larger surroundings as sacred in their spiritual nature; your cosmic spiritual cultivation is where and what you are taking refuge from and in. Hence, understanding the right time is important in everyday action; in whatever you do, the right time is an important factor in your success.

To be successful in cosmic spiritual cultivation, cultivators must take serious consideration into their daily actions in the most mindful fashion to maximize their efforts. Every action must be considered to fulfill the four basic fundamentals, which are: Right Time, Right Place, Right Subject and Right Spiritual Purpose. (continue in book)


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