Understanding and Having the Ability to Control the Ego

Posted on April 15, 2024

The entire living spiritual life of cultivation is simply getting to understand our true selves, the physical selves, and the self-egos. That call to action is a need to confront our egoic view of the world, and to be able to have a clear view, we need an inner revolution of cosmic spiritual mind to overcome egoic consciousness. We will be hardly seeing our true spiritual self while we aren’t able to see ourselves as separate between the physical body and the sacred spiritual energy body; that is called spiritualization.

Spiritualization is the essence of spirituality, which enables us to see and confront the collective experience that is real and to dedicate our lives to transforming ourselves and our world so that we can truly understand impermanent nature and reality, develop compassion for one another, and open ourselves to new learning and new ways of being.

The ego self naturally shapes personality through experience and collective transformation, which creates different ego level, and may be an obstacle to spiritual cultivation. Every human being's upbringing, socialization, and life events can be overwhelming and sabotage our most cherished beliefs in spiritual realization and sacred cosmic spiritual nature. Since you cannot experience the level of subconsciousness and energy body until you realize your own spirit body, the ego self takes on the great job of acting itself as your own. When you are anxious, defensive, and afraid of being dominated, you are trapped in nonsensical, life-destroying traditions that squelch your cultivation and even your ability to spiritual experiment.

Often, humans are trained to be prejudiced or just self-protective, and when we promote and repeat ideas and beliefs that are obviously destructive, they hang out in our heads because we are afraid of not knowing and because dropping those familiar ideas would threaten our security and our acceptance by society.

The spiritual transformation toward realization is a revolution against egoic thinking and control to build leverage on the neutral view between the spiritual mind and ego self-control. It’s the practice that requires that we rethink everything, from the way we dress to the way we treat our mates, to the spiritual purpose of all works and the production of all possessions, to the way we relate to other genders, religions, sexual orientations, races, and species. Such spiritual view transformation will help lead us in a deep process of self-examination, culling through the debris of our fractured thinking and ignorance.

You can no longer pretend that spirituality is just an inner experience. It is our sacred reality to be go-betweens of higher consciousness in the world and the spiritual cosmic nature. Spirituality is the call to care, to connect with the resources you need to succeed, whether that’s from any sacred entity, another state of higher consciousness, or through your spiritual master that defines your spiritual purpose.

Your spiritual purpose will eventually evolve over time as you go through life experiences, acquiring more wisdom and becoming more competent in thinking and seeing the world from a higher level of spiritual mind.


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