Beyond What You Can See

The third eye refers to the eyes of consciousness, the center of sacred energy flowing on the forehead, as the third spiritual eye of the Merged Spirit Cynosure, a Spiritual Cosmic Parent, which is to see the spiritual world beyond physical eyes. “The Realized Spirit Cynosure,” or in short, “Spiritual Cynosure,” is the person who truly has attained spiritual awakening, realized his inner spirit (energy body) and merged in his own physical body actively. He knows the cosmic sacred active flow secret essence of his own inner energy body and lives together in his very own physical body. 

This symbol of third-eye enlightenment also inscribes the spiritual view of action and the world from within the mind. As per modern spirituality, this third eye is referred to as the eye of knowledge. In Buddhism, the “Eye of Wisdom” or the urna is denoted by a dot or a mark on the forehead of the deities of Shiva or Buddha. 

In most Eastern and Western traditions, it is a gate that leads the followers to a space of higher consciousness. They are able to recognize their inner realms better this way. In short, it’s associated with perception, intuitive and spiritual abilities. The concept of the third eye of the Western world is explained by the primary function of the pineal gland, which is a pea-sized structure of the brain. This structure plays a vital role in responding to light and darkness. Many also believe that it serves as a link between the physical and spiritual worlds. However, the connection between the gland itself and paranormal experiences has not been scientifically proven. Hence, the third cosmic spiritual eye here is much higher in its physical explanation. It’s the eye that one has attained and realized the energy body that enables the continuous energy flow in the circle at his own forehead that he can truly understand the permanent nature of his own spirit merging to the temporary physical body that he lives in. He lives in the spiritual world within his own physical world body. He sees and watches the spiritual beauty of the physical world in its true manner of creation, function, growth, and termination. 

The eye in the middle of the triangle represents the third spiritual eye of wisdom. If you look closely, there are small dots on the upper eyelid as well as on the border of the triangle. They aren’t there merely for showcase purposes; they also have a deep meaning to them. These dots represent a sacred atomic vision flowing through the human body. In other words, you can assume this energy’s a supernatural power of inner rain of electric energy within the crystallized ability of the whole body. It denotes courage of practice, progression, and impermanent nature, the repeating circle of all things, while the clouds, like symbols, represent the flower pattern of sacred inner energy flowing from the third eye. The lotus patterns have their own spiritual energy colors of light blue and dark blue. Depending on the power of attainment, that color may change. 

The triangle overall represents the spiritual core concept for success: the right time, place, and thing. The center of the wisdom core is still the third eye in the middle of the spiritual purpose of action. Also, there are four circles around the triangle, delineating the entire sacred electric energy flow of the spiritual cosmic parent flowing in the galactic flow manner, repeating itself of the impermanent nature in four directions. They come together in the shape of a meditation lotus posture, which is an essential part of the practice path. These four directions are east, west, north, and south, and represent the four noble truths of life, impermanence, and the four dimensions, especially the fourth dimension, the spiritual dimension.